listening to the dead : a tour of the west norwood poets

Theodore Watts DuntonWhich of the West Norwood poets did Dickens think "had mistaken his true vocation in life"? Why did Blanchard commit suicide? Did Watts-Dunton save Swinburne from his fetish for flagellation? These questions and more will arise on next Thursday's tour across the dead poets of West Norwood cemetery. The tour is free and will be enriched with the knowledge of Colin Fenn of Friends of West Norwood Cemetery, who will be joining me. Meet at the gates at 1pm and the tour will last for about an hour. 

Listening to the Dead : a tour of the west norwood poetsChris McCabe + Colin Fenn
Gates of West Norwood Cemetery
Thursday 25th July, 1pm


Janet Haney said…
Fantastic. I'll tell all my friends.

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