Last week we went to vote in the GLA & London
Mayoral Elections. As expected, at the school

railings, were two BNP councillors with Union
Jack rosettes latched to black suites - not saying
anything, just making a presence - another man
walked down the street & said : I hope you get
the result you're after today. Like sport, like last
night we watched Liverpool get beat by Chelsea
in the Champions League & after the game the
vocal Turkish Chelsea fan was accepted by another
white Chelsea fan who asked : what's your son's
name? And the Turkish man skilfully turned
around the other fan's welcome by saying to his
son : Look, he's a Chelsea fan, just like you!
With rosettes & policies in comics the BNP
animate the streets as an adult Dandy. After
we've voted - school booths like confessionals -
a dad walks in with his teenage son to teach
him how to vote. Unshaven, the son looks like
a wereman - stunted but enthused - in a Trans
formers T-shirt. The moment touches on a hope -
I will never know which way they chose to vote.
Towards the shops in the rain - I've got new shoes
so I can't complain as such - the first scuffs fan
the leather, pips of acid drizzle. I always treat new
shoes as pets until they become a part of myself.
As we walked a honking protests brought us to
attention : the carousel van for VOTE FOR BORIS
tannoys the pavements. BNP's second choice -
a link that Boris says is of no interest. Anyway,
it drives past the school & the councillors wave.
Children in the fraggle carnival have never seen
an ice-cream van before, with so few ideas


Last week s/he went to vote. BNP
Alliance, the union of a Boss Chelsea

jack shit councilors -- sweet FA
accepted Liverpool welcomes

flailing in the pool, shadow men
shadow suite school rosettes fans
saying snatch sport back threw

Jack, making an appearance lah
walking another sentient street, step
down the Hope & say

s/he hopes the BNP, who’ll don
dusters get in, and the result today,
like the night Chelsea were Champions

BNP League of 8: afterwards the gun/s
game vocal, the Chelsea blew and blurt

no other blue white truth, definitley
NO REDS!!! owt fans asked of us son,

our name turned skillfully in to light
this look, that s/he's a fan, just like

us whose comic rosetta policies
dander in streets, the adult animates

a mister Dandy after votes - the carousel
booth revolves, walks at the canal cancel

the confessionals a wereman stunted like
voting unnshaven, walking on, the BNP

Great Man – enthusiastic, we’re trannies
in transit vans, former metro modern

retro.clan of pict and Alban touches, T-shirt

hope a street will never vote acid scuff pips
chosen knowing free choice is the BNP way

vote to choose what complaint as much
as a first leather ice cream shop-fan drizzling

always new in treat and offering shoes, shod
pet feet splinter until they themselves part
become self as protest talk, brought us votes

BNP attention : tannoy for your Boss
tannoy the second choice pavement linking

a link the Boss says is of no interest to us
driving the councillors across a wave.

At fraggle rock, where an idea seed, few
before, the cream with a van of so
Last week the vote went BNP
Alliance, and a Chelsea union

Boss Election, until the end

the very incidents
stressed, it was too late,

no longer firm beneath feet
there a heroic pose

"Brings me here again"

hawk, the spear tip
ancient a wind vanished

theme, bulked in versed-plough
land, logical rules are moist,

the hawk brained hare, here
a paw circling for inner light

for a centre-point of love's
surreal air beyond eternity

jack shit councilors -- sweet FA
accepted Liverpool welcomes

the willow tip beak, any verb
will when flailing in the pool

shadow men execute school rosette
sport fans snatch back, then threw

suit a Jack made, into the union
appearance, and walking sentient,

streets stretching down one called
Hope, the BNP dusters donned

today’s result like Chelsea
the night we were Champions i

n a League of 8: BNP sfterwords
the vocal game of Chelsea guns

blew blunt and blurt no other blue
truth, definitley NO RED!!

fans ask of us son, our name d
turning light skillfully, a look

that s/he's a fan, just like us
comedic policy rosetta streets,

the adult Dandy mister animate
after votes - the carousel booth

revolves, walks a canal bank
cancel confessionalsm wereman

like stunted, the voting unshaven,
walking the BNP Great Man –

enthusiastic, in transit vans,
metro modern former retro clan

of pict and Alban touches
the T-shirt of hope a street

of will never wrote, scuff acidic
vote knowing free choice is BNP

chosen complaint, as much vote
way to hell of mid morning leather

ice cream shop drizzling first
always to treat what new offer

shod, pert feet perfectly shod
splinter until they fall apart

become talk brought as BNP
self attention : tannoy

for your Boss, tannoy second choice, the pavement linking

says is of no interest to us,
the link Boss driven councilors

who crossing wave, at Cashel
rock, where seed the few ideas

before the cream of a van, so.

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