Dudley Moore like Jude the Obscure -
from Dagenham County High wins
an apprenticeship to Magdalen College
Oxford (his mother, when he was born,
looked at his club foot & said "this isn't
my son"). The BBC said on his death:
His humble origins & Dagenham twang
made him feel inadequate among the
upper-class students. When playing
piano in the College Chapel his self-
doubt whispered : You shouldn't belong
here. With one leg shorter than the
other he used to use one of his mother's
shoes to reach the pedals. This was the
kind of thing Peter Cook made Dud
an emotional killing from. But Dud did
a generic same with Dagenham in the
Derek & Clive sketches. Unlike Jude
a door opened HOLLYWOOD & years
later from his balcony - Hawaiian shorts
and brandy - he wrote 42 letters back
to his schoolteacher in Dagenham
to say he always thought they were
basically kind of the same


Charles Carver said…
all the dreadlocked dagenham girls are a ten

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